A1 Talentsuccess! Talent Resource 

"Our young Talent have attained great personal success in their lives. I'm blessed to have had an opportunity to help guide them in reaching their goals!"
- A1 Talentsuccess! Chief Executive Officer of Talent Development, Vince Seay

Vince Seay and A1 Talentsuccess! want all our young Talent to achieve goals of excellence in their lives! We will help them tap their inner talent to their own personal success! We can assist in:
  • Child and Adolescent Mentoring
  • Academic Counseling
  • Personal Motivation Training
  • Personal Success Skills Coaching
  • Professional Career Assistance
  • Business Entrepreneurship
  • And More!
We have had our Talent EXCEL in business, academics, personal​ life and career success!

A1 Talentsuccess! has two Talent Development Programs that can help any adult or child Talent achieve success, TALENT MANAGEMENT and TALENT CONSULTING. Both will offer the instruction on achieving lasting personal and professional success from our Talentsuccess! Motivational System™. The difference between the two is that with TALENT MANAGEMENT, we will work directly with the adult or child Talent needing service; guiding and directing the Talent to personal success. With TALENT CONSULTING, we do not work directly with the Talent but with a second party, usually the parent/guardian of a child talent or with an organization that needs advice on how to get more success out of the talented people that they are working directly with.

Talent Management service
With our TALENT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT service, A1 Talentsuccess! will help you in working with your individual talent so you can achieve GREATER success!
In helping you better manage your talent, we are able to: 
  • Take a PERSONAL INTEREST in your success, and be able to work with you one-on-one. Because we work with you personally, we are able to tailor the best methods that will work for you. 
  • Give you that personal motivation, understanding YOUR unique situation.
  • If you like, to act as your representative in speaking to others on your behalf about your personal success opportunities.
  • We as your TALENT RESOURCE MANAGER can also submit your information to schools, coaches or industry professionals to help you succeed! Our submissions have made the difference for many our clients! 
  • We as your TALENT RESOURCE MANAGER can also have your school information examined. He will look to see how your talent will be evaluated by the experts and tell you what needs to be done to have you looking your best! 
  • ​ If needed, we as your TALENT RESOURCE MANAGER can also help you with publicity and media access, which is critical to career success!

Upon activation of your TALENT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT service, you will have access to speak to us on an unlimited basis via telephone. You may contact us if you have any questions relating to your success. We will also contact you and make sure that you are on track. We will be there to offer you advice; guiding, motivating, mentoring and managing your success, helping you do what is necessary to help you do well.

Talent Consulting service

With A1 Talentsuccess! TALENT CONSULTING service, we will work with the parent or guardian of a child Talent that could use guidance in achieving that optimal success in their lives. We assist in making sure that the parent or guardian of the child Talent is able to get the child to achieve tremendous success!

We will work in teaching the parent or guardian of a child Talent the proper methods to motivate the child, so not only will they want to achieve but have the tools to do so. We teach the pitfalls to look for that would derail the child's success and how to get them back on track if they should falter. It's all about success with us and if you want to be taught how to help deliver success, this is the program for you!

We also will also work as a TALENT CONSULTANT to any schools and organizations that need to find out how they can get better results and higher achievements from their talent.

Our fees are VERY reasonable and are within the reach of almost everyone. EVERYONE can benefit from our TALENT CONSULTING assistance. Just fill in your info below and we will be more than happy to get you started or answer any questions that you may have.

You must be at least 18 years of age to begin service. You can either fill in your info or call us at (754)999-6884. If Talent is 17 or under, get parent's permission first before filling out the form. WE AT A1 TALENTSUCCESS! TALENT RESOURCE LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU!

Life and Personal Success Achievement
As our Talent Resource client, your success may vary. Success depends on many factors including but not limited to ability, determination, self-discipline, self-confidence, level of sacrifice, education and/or third party help in achieving said goals. A1 Talentsuccess! is in no way guaranteeing that you will achieve the level of success that you desire, but only that we will work with and assist you in achieving your desired success goals. Talent Resource program and fees vary and will be quoted prior to beginning service.